I woke up early today around 6:30 and saw my cat lying on the floor outside our house. Before this tragic morning happen, last week one kitty just died then after 2 days the other one died and after 2 days the last one remaining also past away.

As a pet owner, this kind of scenario still don't sink in. My mind was full of questions and confusion. The mother cat ming ming was with me for almost 6 years just like my dog chu chu, I value her more than just a pet. We treated both of them as a family member and this year was one of the saddest experience I've ever had. Tears was the only way to express how I am lonely right now.

The only one pet left with me is Sugar. I've never thought that this photo would be their last photo together. Now seeing Sugar without her mother around makes me wander does he know what happen to their family? Why he didn't look affected? Did cats are less emotionally attached to their mother or even their owner as well?

I couldn't make a longer blog this time. I can't even post actual photo how my cat look like when I saw her dead.  I didn't know what's the real cause of their death but I am sure that they died with the same symptoms and look aftermath. We have an idea that maybe ming ming  took a food with poison or ate an animal that causes them to be poison. This blog would be my last goodbye to ming ming and her 3 little kittens painful journey. 

Thanks for the memories, you can now all rest in peace with our beloved Chu Chu.

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