Every words that I'm gonna write here was my simple way of saying that life cannot be completed without God.

Just awhile ago, I've watched Youtube Originals featuring Demi Lovato's story entitled "Dancing with the Devil". It was her story way back for being overdosed two years ago. I do remember seeing that on my newsfeed and I wasn't aware how bad it was before she made this documentary or her come out story after that tragedy. 


Way back on my past, I really, really, really love her unique voice and her face when she was on Camp Rock. As a teenager she made me dreamed to become a star like she was but it was only on my wildest dream though. Being with the Jonas Brothers makes her voice to fit and I think up to this day, Camp Rock will be my part of my teenage years. It's was nice to see talented and young people already discovered their gift like in music.

So why am I gonna write today in this blog?

While watching one of her videos on Youtube, I really felt her story needed to be heard by everyone. Whether they were in the same field or as an ordinary person like me, we can learn something to every words and event they were in. I will not focused on her drug overdosed but the fact how many times she's suffered heart attack, she got blind, she experience brain damage and multiple organ failure was not a joke.

Watching how they narrated the whole story was like a story on movies. It was very tragic and as a fan I can't help myself to instantly feel the pain and chaos of losing someone who is very near to death. I feel like I wanted to heard everything. Hollywood stars and international artist like them was clearly prone on using drugs. Not only artist from abroad but also local artist as well.

Lesson Learned

Being famous at an early age can't lead you in good path. Most of the time, having a lot of money that you can buy everything and you can do anything will leave yourself empty.

Emptiness within your soul. I do respect those artist that turned back on their old ways and seeing them to start a new life and hearing their songs very different was a gift. Going back to Demi's interview, she said that she feels empty and what she really need was Spiritual growth. 

I can't believe that a Camp Rock star like her was looking and longing for spiritual growth that money can't buy. It was surprising that most famous artist nowadays realized a deeper meaning of life. The true meaning of life, the peace and sprituality creates new purpose of a person at any age, at any occupation or who are you though. Hanging with bad companion can lead you to distraction and even destroys you soon.

Experiencing like that between life and death was a trauma. Seeing her families and closest friends testifying their stories and Demi was brave enough to finally share her story was her purpose. As a music icon, her story can be anyone story too. Longing for something and started to looked for it can destroy yourself. She was blessed to have her life back. Thanks to her Doctors, it was truly an amazing job well done.

I knew that she's ready to shine and live as an inspiration for everyone. Looking forward more from her and hoping that she already found that spiritual growth that she's been looking for. Wishing and praying for her recovery inside and out. 

Anyways thanks for reading my story today, keep safe. ❤

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