The price of pork meat here in the Philippines has increased way back last year and up to now, the price of it freeze and it was too high than the actual price of it. 

Though the government warns those supplier to adjust and cut the price but it seems to be unmanageable here at our province wet market. 

Due to high price for an average wage earner like us buying meat is not a good option. I do like to budget our money so we can spend it in a longer time. These pandemic taught me that I should be more resourceful and creative in any way so I was kinda experimental in cooking our foods. Basically I don't go everyday at wet market, I just  buy our everyday needs at a nearby store and most of the times, I will just adjust my menu according to what is available at their store.

Out of my curiosity, I tried to turn tofu into patties. I wasn't sure if I'm gonna make it because I chose not to put egg on it. We all know that making patties or any combine type of food needs binder like eggs. I need to take a risk or else I wouldn't knew if it's gonna work. So come and let see!

I prepared 3 tofu and mashed it. I'll make it sure that the tofu dries a little bit before mashing it. I prepare also 3 cloves of garlic (crushed and minced) 1 small carrot (diced) 1 medium size onion (minced) salt and pepper to taste. 

I combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. I'll make sure that I properly mix all the ingredients. I notice that it might be sticky so I decided to add 1/2 cup of flour. I add 2 tbsp of vinegar, 1 tbsp of soy sauce and 2-3 tbsp of sugar.

Since I don't have bread crumbs I made it my own. I used my manual food processor and cut bread into smaller pieces. Though it's not close to bread crumbs texture I think it's will work as a thickener though. 

I tried to form a ball but I haven't check that I'll be running out of cooking oil so deep frying will not gonna happen. I chose to flat the ball mixture using a spoon. I fry it on a medium high heat and flip it over till golden brown. Please excuse me 'cause some of the patty burnt lol :)

I am happy with the result of it. Though I don't put any egg, adding flour helps the patty to stay together. Maybe for my second try I'm gonna be using atleast 1 egg so I can see the difference between the two method. I think you should try it and make a version of your own too. 

Anyways thanks for reading my story today, keep safe everyone! ❤

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