One of the main reasons why I wanted to learn to draw realistic portrait was because of my dog who passed away 3 months ago. The pain still remain and I'd still misses him after all. 

I decided not to draw him first because I wanted to make a good version of drawing before I do it. This is a simple remembrance of him with me and staring at it can ease the missing piece that he left on our lives. Though this drawing don't copy exactly my reference, I'm glad that my dog really looks like my drawing. 

My face looks a little different on how I look like but I guess this is a good start to practice drawing and copy exactly. Here's how I did this:

I draw my face sketch first: Eye, nose, lip, upper hair, eyebrow and ear.

As I said, I struggle to draw my face and revise my facial features to have a closer look of my face. I was laughing and making jokes on me, I said that why own face was too hard to draw, (maybe I was too ugly or beautiful to draw with lol). Kidding aside, my face angle was crucial for me to do and I think that it is the main problem that I encounter to this drawing.

Now it is my dog's turn: right side of eye, nose and mouth. The fur of a dog can be compare as hard to draw like humans hair.

Due to several erasure, my paper got became sag and that leaves a mark in my mouth area. I'm am glad that my dog's part was neat and clean. Here is the final look!

Gracias ♥️

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