Today, one of giant television network in the Philippines came to an end. This media company had been here for many decades and it's program really entertain many Filipinos around the world. For several months after the said franchise company expires, the government studied all the details that surrounds the company. However, this crisis really give a tremendous shocked for those avid fan of the company. 

Sadly the congress has made the decision not to renew the franchise permit to operate for the television network. In the middle of pandemic crisis that many Filipinos strive to look for job and earn money, how it would be harder for thousands of employees of that television network? Imagining the fact that many unemployed individuals we're having a hard time to look for jobs and looking back today those thousands employees will be added to unemployed list. 

For my simplest words and thoughts about this matter; 

Many Filipinos will be affected by this scenario, but the law needed to be done whether we liked it or not. I may not in a professional background to speak, I just wander which is more important to prioritize during this season?

Abiding the law is important so I guess the network definitely accepted it. In the long run of their company, many individual had been employed and many are not in good terms to them. My social media accounts are filled with many feeds about what has done, it's just give me a sad feeling of how those ordinary employees needed now to move on and look for another job.

Though living in a Metro with a good education and work experiences has advantage, but believe me this season might be hard for them to be hired or they will end up accepting a job that was not in the same field of their past jobs. Questioning how the law had been implemented is not a joke. I am hoping that whatever the bad or good effect this may bring for many lives. Though the law was more powerful today, I believe that sympathy for many people cannot be neglected. 

Our character, beliefs and sense of care for people had been tested nowadays. This pandemic season gives me a clear state of mind and seeing that the leaders that the nation chose matters. SINCERE LEADER are RARE. The law from the people needed to be implemented but remember that above all of those MAN -MADE LAWS, there is a SUPREME GOD that knows our hearts, intentions and our mind. No one can hide from his sight and He is just in every ways. Remember that God is a GOD OF JUSTICE and don't tolerate wrong doings.


I am not a journalist or any media related person not an avid fan too. I am an individual that wanted to share my thoughts and beliefs to the said issues today. I am hoping that everyone will be enlighten and will help each other in needs. Politics and Media must be truthful and not biased. Credibility and creativity in media can create a genuine information which everyone will benefit. Stop accusation and learn to give chances when it is needed. Learning is the key to overcome failure. Stand up and be a better version of yourself, whether you are individual person or a company. Stay safe everyone!

Gracias ❤️

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