Many people struggle financially worldwide specially for those places that Covid-19 strike severely. Living today wasn't easy, unlike before even though life seems to be hard, this pandemic gives a lot burden not just for ordinary people but also to high profile persons. However there's still an advantage for those who is rich and financially stable or those who have enough savings  to use as a starting capital for businesses.

In the Philippines, before the lockdown period was lifted, the online selling just increase the numbers of sellers and food business is a good one. In that simple way, many entrepreneurs has started their business and I am hoping that I can start my own target goal for food business too. Having a way of thinking to survive and never surrender to what's ahead is a big challenge and I know that you experience the same way. 

How can we stay positive and think for the best way to overcome the feeling of losing in the middle of chaos?

1. No Self Pity Please...

This is one of the battle that we face in our mind set. Once we feel that we are helpless and we needed someone for attention, this is the start that you will feel self pity. Self pity can create a huge effect on your mind and you will struggle emotionally and psychologically. Base on my experience during the lockdown season, I felt this way that I haven't received any cash assistance from the government and up 'till now I have nothing left. To my hurting self, I cried and feel pity for myself as this situation get worse, how can I survived?

Now the picture of my own story is a true mirror of a person that soon will have emotional breakdown. Then suddenly I thought that I don't have to think of this anymore. I am blessed that I have my family to help me financially and I have a big faith that He will be our provider and His resources are unlimited by God's help. Throughout the season of lockdown, we never missed everything that we have at my own vegetable garden. This really helps us to save more and to ate healthy vegetables without spending money.

So if you felt like this today, you must fight you own mind and think positive, be strong than you did before. Our mind dictates our emotions and senses. We will lose this fight if we lose our mind thinking out all the problems we are facing right now. 

2.Look for the solution not on the problem itself.

We are created not the same to each other. Our mental capacity and the way we think in any given situation will depend on how you get matured. By doing this, you are focusing to solve the problem rather than sticking to the negative part of it. Every problem has a solution and thinking for a best option to solve the problem was crucial. Trying something new to you was hard at first try. There would be a not so good impact at first but never surrender and lose hope when you are in process of identifying the better solution for it.

Many entrepreneurs known today started their solution while on crisis period. They never look down but instead they ride on the flow of the crisis and food was never left in the list of everyday needs. Get an inspiration to follow and start to build your own solution for your problems. Each persons has different burdens and keep in mind that maybe other's has more problems they are facing compares to you.

3.Enjoy the 'FREE-vilege' in life (Privilege)

Though pandemic closes a lot of doors and opportunity, there's still available that we have freely everyday. I called it in my own words 'Free-vilege' from the word privilege. We have privilege to enjoy life and spend more time with our family due to lockdown. We saved ourselves by following standard health protocols. We have sun light which is a great source of Vitamin D (known to help our immunity defenses) and lastly as for me, I have unlimited access to my vegetable garden which I made during lockdown.

Living freely doesn't mean to be contented. We live freely in this world but not necessarily to take for granted others. If you are blessed to be financially capable to help, then do it! Share some love and care. Not just financially speaking you can help, reach out for someone who's in need for advices, someone's need to talked to and be a good person with a pure heart. Hoping someone reaches these words and encourage you to stay positive during hard times!

Gracias ❤️

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