One of the new normal things must have is a face mask. Whether it is a disposable, cloth and washable face mask, these are all useful and in-demand nowadays. Though some people wears it, they find it as a disturb on their face, difficulty in breathing and less of fashion. However wearing face mask wasn't new in Japan. Before Covid-19 was around, Japanese people often use of face mask and we've seen them using face mask whenever they travel and some sort of outdoor activities.

Having a different design of face mask was a good trick for you to make fun on wearing them around. You can see many designs in the internet and some face mask we're not appropriate for all ages. Now I learn new tricks to make a face mask from your old favorite shirt without needing to sew or use a cloth glue. You'll be needing a sharp scissor and your old shirt. Personally, I recommend this to everyone who's out of their face mask to be use for a day. Follow all my instructions and check my sample photos.

You'll be needing:

An old shirts (I recommend to use a cotton/spandex shirt a stripe one)


Marker and Ruler

How to do:

1.Lay down your shirt and choose the middle part. Carefully trim the edge part of the shirt and  set aside for a while.

2.Cut the shirt in half (you can make your own desire length and width base on your face)

3.After cutting in half, trim the shirt on both sides. Be careful when doing this, you should test it how wide the allowance you'll be needing to cover your face.

4.Adjust the length and the width both sides. Remember that you needed a wider size as it stretches.

5.After your final cutting, fold in the edges at least half an inch both sides. Cut the folded edges with enough space to insert an ear attachment chord. 

6.Get the edge of the shirt that we cut earlier. Give a long stretch and cut into two. This will be your face mask ear attachment chord. (If you have a tiny garter you can use it.)

7.Now insert this on the side edges that we trim, secure the edges by tying them. Make sure that it fits you before cutting the excess. Cut them according to the size that fits you.

Tip: I chose a stripe and spandex/cotton shirt. The stripe gives an illusion that it is sew without looking an obvious trim edges. Using spandex/cotton shirt will give you a perfect fit and feels comfortable on your face and I feel more easier to breath with this type of cloth.

This face mask can save you some money from buying a disposable face mask. In this kind of season, we need to adjust and make everything to be recycle and make it into a new and better ways. Hope that it can help you when you're out of face mask. Thanks for your time!

Gracias ❤

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