Donuts is one of my all time favorite snack so today I'm gonna try to make twisted donuts. We also called it here in the Philippines as Bicho-Bicho. My donut version for today is just a cheap one and I just use few ingredients which can be available at home. Follow me how I made this :)

Twisted Donuts (Bicho-Bicho)
Yield: 15-18 pcs.


1 ½ cup 1st class flour

(I use 1st class flour because I don't want to waste my All Purpose Flour if I didn't make it but you can use All Purpose Flour and Bread Flour for better tasting and texture)

1 tsp of salt

½ tsp dry yeast

¼ cup sugar + 1 tbsp for activating the yeast

2 tbsp of powdered milk (needed to dissolve in 2 tbsp of warm water) or evaporated/fresh milk

¼ cup vegetable shortening or oil

⅓ cup of water (more if needed)


1.Get a 2 tbsp of warm water, mix with milk and sugar then add the yeast. Let it rest for 5 minutes. 

You needed to do it first for you to know if the yeast was still alive. (IDK if my terms of words is correct lol)

2.Sift the flour, combine with sugar, salt and vegetable shortening. Then add your yeast mixture and the remaining water. 

Add water little by little. In that way you can control the liquid that can be absorb on your dough.

3.After they are all combine, sprinkle some flour on your working table and knead the dough.

4.You can use a stand/hand mixer with a dough hook but I prefer to use my hands so I can experience kneading.

5.Knead for 12-15 minutes until smooth and elastic. Then form into a big circle and grease with oil,shortening,butter or margarine.

6.I grease a large bowl with oil and place the dough. Cover it with a clean cloth to cover it and place in dry and warm area.

7.I let it rest for 2 hours or until double in size.

8.Poke some holes to release some air and divide your dough into two.

8.Make a long log then cut each dough equally. You can use a digital weighing scale if you have.

9.Roll your dough into a long log again then carefully twist both side of it. You need to stretch it then put the edge together. 

10.Adjust and twist it a bit on top. Press the edge together to seal it.

11.Rest the dough for an hour or when your dough is already risen again. You can barely see them double in size for the second time.

12.Prepare your frying pan and put generous amount of oil. Be sure your fire is on low to medium heat.

13.Pinch a small amount of dough and test if it's ready for frying. Remember too hot oil cannot fry and cook your donuts evenly.

14.Fry both sides and don't squeeze your dough when handling it towards your pan and while frying this. 

15.Cool them down then add some sugar to coat the donuts. Serve and enjoy with hot coffee!

If you live in a humid place the process of this can be more faster and the amount of yeast also affects on dough to rise quickly. However, the yeast needed to work by allowing them to spend more time to rest. I've also learned that if you dough didn't rise enough, your dough will absorb lot's of oil and easy to burnt.

Don't be in a hurry in dough time rising. You can check it by yourself and don't follow the time allotment in some tutorials because the time may be different. Like mine here, 2 hours is quiet long but that is the time I consume just to see my dough double in size. Our experience is different so better to learn from a mistake though.

I hope that I can give you some reminders, tips and another easy and cheap recipe today. 

Gracias ❤️

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