Yesterday I tried to make a Twisted Donut and obviously I needed a yeast to make my dough rise. One of the common mistakes or maybe I guess the common problems when trying to make breads and cakes is how to use leavening agent correctly. I was eager to know how exactly the yeast, baking powder and baking soda affects the dough from rising. 

Activating yeast is important for you to save all the ingredients if your yeast was not alive. Please excuse me for my words for this is the closest way for me to elaborate how I describe it. When you need to do it first so that no ingredients will go into trash. I've tested first the yeast; I often used a dry yeast not the instant dry yeast.

Instant dry yeast can be use directly to the dough without activating it. Dry yeast needed to be activated first before putting it into your flour mixture. However, I will share today which method  act faster to activate my yeast. I have some missing photos so I'm gonna write it instead. 

First Method (Fail)

2 tbsp warm water
1 tsp of dry yeast

Mix them together and I let it rest for 5 minutes. After awhile I don't see any bubbles above it. I know what it looks like if it's still alive or can be use. I've waited for another 5 minutes but nothing happens. 

At this point, I thought that my yeast which I bought by small portion only makes the yeast to be lose it's effectiveness. I know that yeast is very sensitive to store. You need to keep it sealed on a dry and air tight container. Maybe that's why the yeast that I bought can't be use anymore. 

Second Method (Success!)

2 tbsp warm water
2 tsp powder milk (or fresh milk)
1 tbsp of sugar
1 tsp dry yeast

I dissolve the milk in warm water then add the sugar and yeast. I let it rest for 5 minutes then I came back to check it is starting to bubbles and absolutely it is alive. I was hesitant to try the same yeast but I wanted to know if the yeast that I bought was needed to be thrown away. I am glad that it can still be useable. 

The milk and the sugar maybe helps in to activate the yeast. I know that there are some tutorials available on the internet but I wasn't sure if all of that really works on me. Sometimes our personal experience teaches us more than watching it. So if you're just like me who's always on tight budget or just wanted to bake with a low cost of ingredients, you really need to activate your yeast before you proceed to the next step.


These are all my personal experience. You can follow or do your own method in activating your yeast. i hope that this blog may help newbies like me in baking. I learn from my mistakes that's why I am sharing this to you today. Hope it can help you to achieve a perfect dough anytime anywhere.

Gracias ❤️

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