Does seeds can grow on an ordinary soil?

Yesterday, I just shared how my journey begin were in  I planted my own vegetables and ready for harvesting too. Though it takes almost 3 months to fully develope my vegetables it's worth to wait.

As I said before I was hesitant to try planting some plants or vegetables. One of the reason was how and where can I get a perfect soil to be my starting step to plant my seedlings. This procedure was the basic step at any seeds that you wished to plant first. It is the foundation of your plants to sprout their first roots and leaves. It may take for several weeks to wait for the seeds to sprout but some seeds sprout a week after they have been planted.

Today, I'm gonna share how I prepare my soil ready to be planted.

1.You need to find soil. I just use an ordinary soil in this demo. Get amount of soil the you'd like and start this next step.

2.You need to strain the soil using net like this. This kind of net usually used for straining and separating the stones from cement. It is very easy to get unwanted objects and large stones.

3.Collect the soil and transfer to a vessel. I just chose to this small container for it is easy for me to see and scattered the seeds.

4.To make your soil a bit special you can mix some burnt woods or ashes with egg shells and vegetables peels. If you can find for animals poop from cows, goat, horses and any poop from an animal farm, this will be an organic fertilizer.

5.Gently put the seeds on your soil. Just sprinkle them and don't push them down. Get some soil to put on top of the seeds up to 3 meters only. Remember don't put too much soil because the seeds will struggle to sprout.

6.Watering the soil was necessary but used a sprayer when doing this. When you put the water directly there's a chance that the seeds will go down deep that may delay it's sprout.

7.Place your seedling directly on sunlight and water them twice a day. (morning and afternoon)

It's been 3 days since I started to do this but until now I haven't seen any sprout yet but I am hoping I did it the right way. How about you what's directions or method you used in planting seeds. Share your thoughts and tips!

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