What's the Best Time to do a Cover?

In any particular locations, covering songs are not the same when it comes to quietness. If you lived in a crowded places like living in a big city surrounded by vehicles would be a problem. The basic importance of being quiet as much as possible with no background noise is a must when doing your covers. However, if you're not the kind of person to be more maticulous, having a background noise is not a problem for you. During covers, specially where in a studio type recording room requires to be more silent if that room was totally sealed and fully furnished. There are some other things to consider when was the best time to make a cover. I will share some of them by this blog.

Noise are one of the major problems technically and vocally and with instruments as well. The better way to avoid this was to find the best time to make cover and recording and adjust to the most quiet  time in your area specially when you lived in an apartment type houses. When you chose to use a condenser microphones, be ready to heard almost every noise that surrounds your location. Condenser microphones has more sensitivity and has higher frequency range of recording sounds.  Though it is ideal for home recording or even professional recording it requires for any person to be careful in any sounds that may occur while you do cover. That's why i would suggest to take my advices below and think about what will suites your schedule to have a better audio recording.

1. Early Morning Session

This time would be a good escape to record vocals since only few people are awake too early between 4-5 am. If you have a home/room set up, this is a lot easier to prepare your things and made your cover hassle free. Though singing too early can be a bit harder compared into afternoon or night sessions. However, maybe in due time that you're voice can adjust to that kind of schedule. Warming up vocally is required for this given time.

Do not start singing when you don't do atleast 2 minute voice warm up. In addition to that, I would also suggest that you don't drink a coffee or milk before singing. Caffeine, dairy and sweets products can affect your voice to deliver more clearer voice. Usually the weather in early morning was cold and you need to warm up your body too not only your voice. I'd love to have a cup of lukewarm water (just only water) just to flushes all those acids in my stomach and also aide some throat itchness and act like a good lubricant on our mouth. The warm sensation will relax your throat and and tummy. So when you choose this early morning session, you need to consider lots of things but I know that the result is satisfying in return.

2. Noon Time Session

This may not seem the most quiet slot to choose, but I'd think that this slot can spare you from loud noise. Time between 12 noon to 3 pm was the perfect siesta time. Most people are resting and even taking a long nap. When you go outside you may obviously notice that people were'nt outside that time 'cause the weather was too humid to stay outside. Another thing to consider was the good lighting. Some may not have a lighting as it helps you to have a better visual video. Plus a lighting that came from natural light can help but don't just rely on the sunshine right on a window.

Turn on also the light that you're using on your room for additional help. Perhaps this time slot you will experience to sweat (if you don't use aircon). It is important that avoid using an electric fan or aircon during recording. This cannot be delete as it get along with your voice and you don't want to have annoying background noise included on your recorded. The advantage of having an aircon was totally a saving grace for those like me who really sweat only a few minutes just passed. In my current situation when covering songs, I have to turn off the electric fan even when I feel that my sweat are running down on my face. This is so uncomfortable part during my recording but that is the reality. Maybe, soon we are able to buy an aircon and I can sing comfortably without feeling a sweat lol:)

3. Evening Session

I know a lot of artist may think that this is the best time to do a cover. This slot may come between 7 to 9 pm onwards. As i said earlier, people will usually came from work within that time frame and some may have slept during these time. Since I don't have a neighbor for almost a year, the only thing i would consider in the evening session was the vehicle and motorcycle with loud pipe. Those are the most annoying sounds i would ever heard when doing a cover. In worst cases, i had to stop because of the loud pipe from a motorcycle just passed by. Imagine your hardwork while performing a song and just a few seconds, all of your soon to be cover will be ruin. Anyways, this is just on my part. You are lucky if you lived on a village or your houses are built with a more concrete finished one. The more your home/room are sealed, the more it will not recieved sounds/noise outside. I also notice that singing in the evening was a lot more easier compared in the morning and afternoon session. Maybe because our voice through out the day had warmed up by talking to people around us. I also forget to say that concerts are held in the evening right? I wanted to know why they choses to set the concert time in the evening. Can anyone help me about this one?

Prior to that with all my thoughts on choosing what will suites your free time. I wouldn't recommend to do a cover session between 12am to 3am. That was not a good idea after all that was your body fall deeply asleep. So if anyone will be disturb during their sleep, you are making yourself in trouble baby. Consider everyone around you, not only your neighbor but also people around you inside your home. Choose wisely and i know you can find what time you truly belong.

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