How I Made My Song From Scratch

Literally, it start with a scratch paper or should i say a mobile notepad either. In Songwriting it doesn't necessary need to be a very professional looking work place and tools, what matter is the how you write that song from start to finish. I think everyone who just starting to explore this career have lots of potential with their work. In the meantime does songwriting really needs to be done in perfection? Well for me, all songs that's been made came from unprofessional or a sample first then with a good recording and audio engineering etc. the song from scratch can transform to be one of your greatest break you've waited for. Right now i'm gonna share how did i made my first song ever and i'm very proud of if lol!

The Making 

I made few lyrics that don't belong to the first song i made. Maybe around 3 sets of lyrics then i was starting to roll up what tune/chords and melody should be better for this. In fact, the first attempt made me confused and feels to be uncapable of doing this things. Since it was my first attempt to do it, i think it's normal to feel this way. The struggle of making your own songs what would matches your lyrics to your created melody. However, this also gives you the freedom to practice your given talent that maybe just hiding.

The first thing i did was the 3 sets of lyrics but only means the same (not exactly they are the same because it's a lovesong). When i figured it out the right key and the tempo, i started to make some hymns towards the music while playing it. Most songs started to have the melody first. I've also notice that during the actual fitting of the melody to the lyrics was complicated. That point i was able to do changes and arranged them to the most suitable piece i can produce. This pattern really helps me and make things easy for me. I didn't know that the lyrics that you've made earlier couldn't fit automatically to the melody you've made. I also taught myself that the lyrics that you've made with melody can transform into a better one.
How I Did it?

1. Playing chords multiple times
2. While playing the chords, sing some hymns that harmonized and fit in.
3. Little by little try to analyzed the lyrics that you've made from scratch.
4. It is better that your lyrics are written by a pencil of a notepad.
5. When you had a better melody, tune and tempo record it using your phone immediately or else you will forget it.
6. Play your recorded piece and try to fit in the lyrics.
7. In this stage it is more easier for you to make changes on your lyrics.
8. Edit the lyrics (getting rid for some words didn't matches the melody)
9. Replace and add some details like intro, verse and chorus.
10. Once your done in the first half, that would be good and don't forget to record it right away.

These are just my personal experience how i wrote my first song. I would say that having a quiet place for you to think things write really matters. Since i'd like to spent my days writting, thinking and singing it really helps my creativity. There's a beauty behind self taught knowledge. I don't know why, i am just true to you who can read this in the future. The story behing this song reflects the story of us. The reason why i wrote this song was for our Anniversary and i wanted to sing this song to him but i didn't make it in the right time. However he already knew the song right now and as he has a better ear for everything, he helps me to check my songs and encourage me to do a second song. Yes i have my second song (my first heartbroken song) but still in progress.

I hope that it will give you a simple tips and encouragement to do songwriting and make music as your own storyteller of your life.

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