5 Good Habits To Get Rid of Common Viruses

The 2019 Novel Corona Virus spreads rapidly and even to other countries has now cases of NCOV. This virus
first shown in Wuhan China way back in December. Their first encounter to this flu like symptoms then later on become an unknown pneumonia case that spread at Wuhan. Doctors said that time they didn't even knew yet what and how exactly this virus had transfer to people. Is it from animals to human transfer transition? Most people who had been in Wuhan subjected to be a carrier of the virus since the spread were so fast and can be carry by air though up to now, a lot of researchs still on going to find the cure and to stop the novel corona virus. This virus has common symptoms of flu, colds, cough then later on become a pneumonia (a severe one that is more dangerous). Like SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) way back 2003 in China also starts the spread of this virus targeted mainly our lungs. These virus had two common factor that affects our respiratory system. It was alarming that NCOV spread faster than SARS based on records.

Aside from China, other neighboring countries in Asia doubled their security system and checking all the Airports with a Thermal Scanner for all those passenger that will enter their country. While other countries close their borders just to avoid the spread of this virus, but the case was not yet stable. However this virus also spread outside the Asian region and crosses some cases in the US, Europe and Australia. Those people who'd been in Wuhan was the one who was infected to that virus. In some point, a Thermal Scanner just work and be effective for a while, but as days go by maybe a week, a person who'd been into Wuhan China eventually develope symptoms of NCOV then it was too late. Like this case here in the Philippines, a Chinese couple took a vacation here and travel. They were not sick when they come in the Philippines and days had passed, they become sick and admitted in an Hospital in Manila which they were confirmed to have an NCOV. So how can we really protect ourselves to avoid this virus. Here are 5 simple tips or a habit to get rid of some common viruses and maybe a great way to protect ourselves to NCOV.

1. Always make it a habbit to wash your hand frequently. 

Washing our hands needs a special attention not just washing it alone. Meaning a clean/running water with a germicidal soap. Germs and viruses easily transfer from human to human contact. Our hands is the primary and openly used everday. When riding a public transport, eating into fastfood or carenderia and even a simple greetings like shake hands can transfer a virus. Be generous enough to clean your hands. If you're on the go, an alcohol and a hand sanitizer works best. Some public trains had a alcohol on their counter before NCOV starts and it's really nice to see those alcohol and free to used. This is one of the easiest way to make our hands clean and to protect ourselves too.

2. Avoid crowded places if necessary. 

If there is no important reason for you travel and exposed yourself into the crowd, i would highly suggest that you stay at your home. We all knew that NCOV starts in a crowded market place in Wuhan and like that place, many people were in the crowd that's why the spread of the virus grew in a short spam of time. Now that we all now have a confirmed case of NCOV, prevention is better than cure. But remember if you can't make it to stay at home for some reason you must be wearing something to protect you.

3. Wear a Face/Surgical Mask.

Like what i said earlier that when travelling needs to wear something to protect you. The best and most alternative way was to wear a face mask. Expert says that N95 works best compared to a surgical mask. Though N95 Mask was pricey compared to surgical mask, it is good to have atleast an ordinary face mask. But be aware also that the surgical masks didn't really protect you 100% from NCOV.

It can just be act as a primary shield to common infections and viruses. If you can't afford to buy any of those masks or out of stocks in the market, you can used a big handkerchief of a piece of cloth or cover you nose and mouth with it. By the way, the proper way to wear a surgical/facemasks should be the side with color (blue/green) in front and cotton side would be in your mouth. The color side of the masks was your clue where you must put it.

4. Eat healthy to make your Immune System strong.

Well eating good with a balance diet really works to help our immune system to fight common viruses and infections. Green vegetables such as brocolli, lettuce, spinach can be replace by kangkong, malunggay, saluyot and alugbati which is very common vegetables in the Philippines. These vegetables are rich in vitamins, fibers and minerals. Fruits would also be a good one to start your day by mixing fruits then blend it and take it as your first food in the morning.
It will help your body to get rid of toxins and give you a good bowel movement. A lemon which is also known to have Vitamin C. If you don't have lemon, a calamansi will work too. If you had a budget, you can buy some food supplement and vitamins to stay healthy but remember that those are just synthetic drugs. The food that we take really matters.

5. Exercise not just to lose weight but to stay healthy.

Working with your body didn't always mean you want to be sexy and fit though it was just the result of your effort. However when we just simply stretch, walk and run our body uses our reserved fats from the inside and if our body sweats that means we are burning those unwanted fats. Sweats makes us feel better in a way like the feeling in Saunas. The steam from Saunas relaxes our muscles and promotes good blood circulations in the long run. When our body have a good blood circulation, the oxygen that our body needs will be released. Clogged blood vessels may occur if you don't have any movement in a whole day. Better watch out how you sweat than taking a sleep overtime. But remember not to over train yourself. Anything in moderation really works. Exercise and rest both work together.

NCOV is not just ordinary virus, it is life threatening and we are still praying and hoping that the cure for this virus will eventually be known to the scientist and to stop NCOV taking lives from the innocent people all over the world.  Doctors and nurses still fight, helps and brave enough to endure their fear from being infected too, they are taking risk inspite of the fact that some of them died and get sicked (medical staff and doctors). Being away from their families in a long time was painful and the only communication they have was using their mobile phones. We have to pray for God's guidance and protection in the midst of this chaos and set a reminder that humanity still exist. Stop eating and consuming wildlife to avoid this plague.

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