What Makes the Delay of Success 

Life wasn't easy, luck and fortune uses to test some people what they believe in. Many of us tried everything that we knew we could earn money and eventually become successful someday. I know that success wasn't like an overnight work to be done but instead it is a long time process. As human instinct simply reacted to some situation, have you ever think what makes successful people get what they had right now? Is it possible for an ordinary people to be successful? Today, i will give some thoughts and maybe an advice as well to help someone to be motivated in their journey to become successful.
So why making excuses makes the delay of your success? Simply because excuses refer to have many reasons to act lazy. Excuses is like choosing between good vs. evil. It is a matter of choice and dealing with yourself. Don't afraid to try something new.

You making excuses because your afraid to fail and try. If no one sees your progress, just go on. Other people's opinion doesn't matter, your life will be miserable if you let anyone look down on you. Don't try to be affected for some negative words and gossip you've just heard around you.

Laziness is the number one enemy of success. No one ever wanted to be tired whether at work, businesses and chosen career path, but to be able to step out in that kind of mentality, we need to extend effort and strive to achieve much better future. Being lazy also act as a delay of success.
Given the chance to new opportunity means you need to put an effort in a given task. God poured out His blessing for those who is not lazy. Don't just pray for something, we need to put action and so something too in return. In that way, God will see how determine are you on achieving what you've asking for. He was merciful and full of grace.

Avoiding to take risk and afraid to step out in your comfort zone can delay your success. No one knew ourselves better than we are. We set limitations when we feel hesitant to try or do something. Playing safely without taking risk will minimized your potential to be a better version of you.

As i mature i realized that i've kept myself in the shadow of what if's. What if i tried to... But then i just get up and say, Hey girl, cheer up! Get what you had and use it today. Second chances doesn't mean it is only just twice to be used instead it is unlimited. Don't be afraid to try over and over because sometimes the greatest lesson in life is just a one step closer to the finish line.

Being stubborn and complaining can delay your success. Teachable heart is an essence of having a successful life. The key to recieve that kind of life was to learn to have a good and right attitude. If we are still stubnorn and always complaining in everything, you must realize and think to change.

God hates stubborness and complaining like the Israelites does in the wilderness. He delays their journey to the promise land for hundred years instead of just taking that journey to take it for short. I do believe that the pattern of life still in God's control, if He sees that someone's heart is not yet ready to recieve that blessing or favor, he will definitely delays it. The lesson here, no matter what you've believed in, it takes a good character first for you to achieve that success that you're looking for.

Personal Insight:

To anyone that still in doubt, makes a decision today and fix your mind. When you wanted to achieve and do something, do not bs double-minded. As the Bible also teaches us that a man with a double minded/heart will not get anything. As long that you didn't steal and do wrong to anyone, your hard work will bear fruit in the right time. Your age will not be the reason when will you be successful. Just don't stop and tired. Who knows maybe today is your day to shine!

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