Ways to Self Healing (Your Inner Self)

Healing means to feel better and restoring what is lost. This generation we're suffering from so much pain, hatred and depression. However being in this kind of situation is not the one that we need to take for granted. Studies shown that depression was the number one reason why suicide incident increase. Many people wasn't aware to that feeling and just let that feeling rule over their lives. Yet so far we created facilities to cater those cases. There are successful stories after engaging themselves to that facilities but there's still a part of yourself that was not totally healed.
I knew that the true ways of healing takes time. You may sense when you are on your way to complete own identity.  You don't have any thoughts that you needed something or someone who can satisfy you. One of the common reason why people tend to be hurt was finding and trying to be complete by someone or something. Perhaps it may be a love life, a work title, a promotion, an ambition that's been left behind or an addiction that you cannot give up easily. I've also learned that people who has materially stable loosen their faith and been hunger not for the things in this world but their inner man was searching for an answer.

Recently for years of break in the music scene, Demi Lovato (one of my favorite singer) had to decide to comeback and sharing her journey on her drug addiction and rehab as well. She was so honest and you may feel all the emotions that she kept inside in spite of her career success. She also wrote a song that really describe her true feelings entitled "Anyone". She shares also that the song recorded just the vocals after her hospitalization way back last year. This song was her perfect reflection of her downside and feeling lost in the shadow of success yet empty. She made me even think that any famous people in this world couldn't be contented onto something that they achieve. What matters most is when your inner self was satisfied and contented to what you had right now.
Our body, mind and soul works all different but they were one. Body can move according to what our brain command and think. But our soul is more different. Though cannot be seen on our naked eye, i believe that God put the soul in us to be our track when everything seems so right. If the world cannot satisfy you any longer, it means you soul was looking not for the worldly things. Maybe a peace of mind, away from anybody's eye, a friendship, a long time relationship or a spiritual matter. I would not tell any religion to my blog, i understand that when it comes to religion and beliefs, many of us feel uncomfortable and end up in debate. All i could say is that, the essential of life consist with this 5 category that i made myself as a guide to discover if you had...

1. Your Faith (What you believe in)
2. Family and Friends
3. Values that you've learn in life
4. Genuine Relationships
5. A dream that drives your passion

So if those 5 had already yours and still you not satisfied and unhappy, maybe you're focus was on the outside of these 5 category that i have in mind. These list was like the most common things we had in life, but our personal acceptance to any given situation was all different. The bottom line is this: Above all these list i'd like to emphasized that Faith matter's most. I don't know what exact words should i wrote right now or else i will be out of words. The true healing comes to somebody if he/she found a Savior for his sinful life. We must admit that we all sin. We commit sin everyday and mostly did wrong carelessly. But after every tiring day, yes your body get tired and feel weak and the soul needs a rest to. How can soul sleep or rest or take a break? That was unusual question but i am being rational though i maybe sound crazy and weird. Our soul belongs to God. He has the capability to gives us rest, peace and our mighty fortress (Psalms 62:5-8)

Personal Insights:

Being broken, scarred, hopeless and empty was all negative feelings that we need to overcome immediately. I know that it wasn't easy to say that we didn't need to rely on someone's help but we have too. Just keep your mind on guard without letting a negative thoughts feeds your whole being that will drive you to do shameless things, self pity and suicidal thoughts. Our mind is the devil's battle ground. Deciding to do good or not or to do good on yourself or not so. Think twice or hundred times and never neglect the power of prayer.

A. Prayer can release all those emotions that bursting out.

B. Cry out loud was good to release stress and tension

C. Do not isolate yourself to people. (Hang out with good friends only)

D. Travel and had a vacation and take a break.

Self healing requires more attention and consistent reminding yourself these things. I hope this one will help anyone today! Godbless:)

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