The Last Rainbow of 2019

A misty morning greeted me in the last day of 2019. While preparing lots of stuff for the new year preparation, i've seen this lovely rainbow and took some photo as a remembrance.

Every time i saw a rainbow i always says too 'Thank You Lord! It's beautiful...' In the Philippines there's an old story/myth behind this beautiful rainbow. They said that once you reached the bottom of the rainbow you will see a treasure that's full of gold and precious stones.

As a kid i was wondering about that story and up to this days, some kids like my nieces knew that story and they asked me if that was true. I told them that it was just a fantasy, that i was like them believing in that old tale when i was a kid. The rainbow disappear too fast and thinking about the rainbow's bottom that is impossible to get a chance to see the bottom lol!

But i have read a better story about a rainbow. In the Bible, God is the one who made the rainbow with this story. After the Great Flood in the time of Noah, a rainbow appears and God said that every time you will saw a rainbow, it's a reminder and a covenant that God will no longer destroy Earth by flood. It's sad to saw the Earth devastated by flood in the movie so i think that God felt that way too.

So the next time you saw a rainbow, i hope the stories that I've shared will tickle your imagination while looking up in the Rainbow! Happy New Year Everyone!:)

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