How I was Hurt When My Dog... A Personal Blog

Have you ever cried for a dog's death? Not even for dogs, for a cat or any animals death? If you're answer is yes, you can relate to my story that I am going to share today. 

Chu Chu 6 years old Aspin Dog

May 1, 2020 my dog had passed away. With so much hurt and tears, I couldn't help myself to cry for a day long and even up today. My dog's name was Chu Chu, he was a local breed here in the Philippines called aspin and I am proud to say that he was intelligent like dogs with breeds. Just a quick story about our past:  He was my dog's family for 6 years, he was given to us by my older brother since he was just about 2 months old. My mother took him inside a paper bag of Celine for travel purpose until they arrived at our house. It was memorable and I'd still can't forgot that moment when I first held him out of that fancy paper bag. He was so cute, chubby and really smell so good because they put a dog cologne on him. He also loves to sleep in my pillow to the point that we share the same pillow every night. I love that dog that much that why it was really painful for me he got sicked. 

The first time that he got a Distemper he survived. Thanks to a friend veterinarian who'd help us for medications. Then after a while he got urine issues or a gallbladder issue but I wasn't able to took him to a Veterinarian clinic. He miraculously survive and get well. Then another chapter of him getting ill again was an issue to his stool. I'm scared that he could die from that but again, he didn't leave me. He survive that stage and then a few months after I started to notice that his vision are getting blurred. I thought that it will gone some other time but the worst has come 2 weeks ago. His feet get weaken, started to walk slow and he was easily get tired in just few minutes of walk. I wasn't sure if all that was all because of his age. 

Then the day that I feared to come arrived, early morning we have a morning routine to take a walk so he can pee and poop. But he couldn't make any move to walk so I carried him and wait for him to pee. I urged him to walk slowly but he refused to make any move. My heart really hurt when I remember how difficult for him to walk and even make a good stand when he was used to do it before without any effort. :( I carried him again and look for some good spot for him to poop but again, he refused and didn't walked a bit. My mind has crazy thoughts and starting to worry what is happening on him. This really look so crazy, I started to cry and carry him again way back home. Though he could walk slowly at our house but he really looks so weak and less energy. 

This photo was with him and his last video. This really makes me cry and I really wanted to know what he really feels, if only dogs can talk he will tell me every pain that he felt inside. I tried to comfort him, massage his whole body, give him water from a medicine dropper, talked to him over and over, look him in his eyes, hug him tight, hold his hands and do some sponge bath to ease his fever. As an owner, this really makes me think that it was my fault and i failed to give him a proper medication. But since the lockdown wasn't over yet, I have no work and no money left to pay for his health examinations and all medication stuff. Up to this point, I really missed him and feels that he was just around, looking at me and suddenly he will follow me around wherever I go. Maybe for some people may think that it was a drama, but this is what I really felt when I lost my bff, my buddy and my baby ChuChu. All those stuff that I'd still have here will be kept forever. His lashes whenever I hold it, brings me to burst my tears, every memories of him will never be forgotten. So I made this blog as a  remembrance of him. 

If only the movie story of "A Dog's Purpose is real, I hope he could find his way to come back for me. I really don't know if I will try to adopt a dog anymore but one thing is for sure that "Dogs are really Mans Best Friends". They will love you unconditionally even when you don't love them that much, they were present and plays with you when your bored and lonely. They will make you feel safe because they will barked at any strange sound around you even in the middle of their good night sleep. They will patiently wait for you 'till you come home and give you attention that you deserved. They will look at you eye to eye, they love how you hold their heads upwards and give them instructions. They will obey you and not get mad whenever you scolded them for some naughty behaviour. They will surely eats whatever food you put inside your mouthe as if they ate like humans.

They loved to play with you and spend time when you are free. They will be very dependent on you so make sure that you will love them too, they have hearts, emotions and can think too so better to have a dog when you're physically and mentally ready because  pets are not just an animal to be fed twice a day, they are like humans who needed love, attention and commitment for the duties to be a qualified owner or a friend to them. If you're not the humans with this kind of attitude or thoughts, you might think first before you look for a pet and please DON'T EAT DOGS!

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