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Perhaps there's a lot of bad things and tragic incident are happening now all over the world. Like the Iran and US conflicts, the Australia's Bush fire and volcanoes erupting like here in the Philippines. This is all uncontrollable situation and even in our own lives has it's personal issues to deal about. But in-spite of all those bad situation in life, we still have to think and stay positive. I was personally triggered to this kind of blog that may help someone who's being so upset in his/her life. We must understand that life is not made to be too good to be true. Here comes my simple tips to be positive all year round.


Our mind can control everything. It has a unique function in our body as it commands our body as well how to react in a given situation. For example: You've loss your job and no savings at all. How can your mind react in that situation. Obviously you will feel helpless and vulnerable.  In reality, reacting negatively is a natural things but in some point, we need to train our mind to feed it with good and positive thoughts. Only God and you can help yourself. We live in this world independent and we cannot say that, " i have friends or family who can help me." This is my point, "Our mind is the devil's playground." Have you heard that before? But how and why? Our mind's role in our whole being is commanding us on how we think, how we react and how we move, and how we feel.
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We need to see a more larger picture of situation on any given problem. You must LOOK for the SOLUTION and not stay lonely and helpless. If you train your mind to think positive, any given situation can be easy to handle and your life can start over and over without feeling so depressed and tired. Most people that end up into depressions are lacking of this. Their mind stay in the problem and sadness outgrew on them instead of hope and solution. A lot of suicide issues are due to depression yet it looks so easy to overcome, the capability of one's mind was all different. The battle against it is an illustration that our mind is the one that we need to overcome first then everything else will follow.


Acceptance means admitting something that has been offered and done. Sometimes this is the one that we neglected to practice in our daily lives. Accepting what life brings us. Any given situation is not in our control. As we are still living in this borrowed life from God Above, the fact that our lives will not be stable in good or bad. After the rain the sun will rise again, when a flower bloom they will not be forever too. This is a logic part of life and NOBODY WANT TO BE TESTED. But sometimes we needed it for us to be MATURE AND GROW.

I was born and raised in a not financially stable family. I wasn't saying that we are so poor because we still lived in an acceptable small house and have clothes. My understanding on being poor is that you don't have shelter to have a proper sleep and begging for food in streets. As i grew older, my parents raised me to that kind of living and not feeding our minds with false thoughts in our true situation (not trying to pretend that we are rich) In that way, it helps us to accept that we need to escape this trap of hard life and persevere more to achieve a better future.There's still a hope in every bad things happen in our-lives.


When we started complaining we also started questioning why is this happen. Eventually after lots of question in your mind, you mind will not focus in finding the solution. First thing to do when there's something happen is to REMAIN CALM and QUIET. For some reason it really works for me, why?
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Your mind need to think twice or even hundred times to have a clearer point of view. For example: Someone made gossip about you and you heard on your own that she actually says it, instead of confronting her and throw bad words that maybe they deserved, choose to stay calm and make yourself more educated and well mannered than they are.


Our BEHAVIOR is the REFLECTION of our PERSONALITY. Take responsible on your words and action and you're the first to receive the reward behind every obstacle that you're facing.

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