Like some line from Allesia Cara's song Scars to your beautiful, we all have scars from some incident of our lives in the past maybe or just recently happen. Scars is what we develope once we get wounded. Some scars can be gone but some may not disappear without any help from a dermatologist. 

However, though scars aren't pretty to be seen boldly, we tend to feel shame about that flaws and starting to think that every imperfections in our lives needed to be gone. I was just like thinking about scars are there to be hide forever. I knew some tattoo artist did something cute for some of their costumers body scars. Their creativity just blew me away and tricking your naked eye that there is no scars with that tattoo. But this procedure we're not advisable if you're not a fan of tattoo. It's a painful and tough decision to make and knowing the fact that tattoo will stay in your skin for a long period of time. 

Though scars are ugly to look at, I find it to be a reminder or remembrance of a certain memories in the past. For example; giving birth through a caesarian section leave a scars on mother's tummy and that scars was deep and hard to erase. On the other side of that scars has a deeper meaning between the mother and the child. I can remember my scars for some part of my body can be visible until now. I've got it when I was 6 or 7 years old I guess, while.playing with my siblings. My skin was totally peel off and I saw some layer of my skin. That was totally a very painful experience which I'd still remember the pain and what it causes that scars.

As we age some scars can be slightly fade but deep wounds can create a deep scars. So what exactly good in scars? Personally, scars aren't pretty but if we look on  other's persons scars there is uncovered story behind it. Like on soldiers body, I know that they had a lot of it and in every scars they can easily recognize all the experience they had being a soldier. Some scars are made to remember something special. Imperfections won't be the reason to look on your self to be ashame of. It is natural to get hurt and be hurt, what matter is how we handle these challenges in life that we are now facing.

If you got scars whether you've got it from a medical surgery procedure, from your job, from giving birth or even on bad accidents in life, scars is the mark that we have in our body as a reminder that life is uncertain. We handle our lives imperfect. Embrace your imperfections  accept yourself and love who you are. Stop comparing yourself to anyone who was a perfect shape of body and believe that you have something that other's don't have. Create your world with positivity, be optimistic and explore new things without limitations. 

Dream Big! Think Right! Stay Humble! 

Love Your Flaws!

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