Who says photos are just an ordinary souvenir to have when you travel or celebrating occasions?

Photos nowadays had been a part of our generation. This kind of taking picture created many years ago had been useful for artifacts, preserving the history of our ancestors, different cultures and traditions and some historical events in the past. Technology created a big difference in making photos to be stored on our phone's internal storage, uploaded in our social media accounts or storing in our own little way like photo printing. 

You may think that collecting photos can be called "hobby" but for me instead of calling it that way, I wanted it to be called "My Collection of Memories Now and Beyond". Perhaps this generation forget about the value of preserving photos by printing it and storing it on a photo album. 

When I was a kid I love to dig old photo albums at my relative's home. Then I will get a chance to see what they look like before, what the former look of some places and see what I looked like when I was a toddler ('cause I don't have any photos when I was a baby to look back on). 

This kind of hobby or interest was still on my nerves. Last night I've got to find my old phone. I know that it is still working but the battery needed a replacement. (old model of Sony Ericson) 

I am lucky enough to see my internal storage and tested it if it's still working. Got to find an OTG and gotcha! I'd found some photos of my nieces, our photos of my fiance and my cute and loveable dog Chu Chu. (He just passed away last May 1, 2020) 

Chu Chu just few month old

The pain still remains... The memories of him that I will forever cherished. This photo was taken in 2013, I tried to dressed him with this kid cloth 'cause he looks so cute :) This photo was not so clear because my old phone can shot only low pixel that's why the images aren't clear. Though I've tried to do some edit to enhance the color, texture and details of these photos may not be enough.

Chu Chu was with me for almost 7 years this coming August. I adopted him when he was just a month old puppy. Everytime I've got to see these photos took me back to the days that he was with me. The hardest part of being a pet owner was seeing your pets dying and having pain inside them that they can't even talk and say to you what they really felt inside. All I can do right now was to gather his old photos and make an album and safely compile them in a photo album. 

Maybe some of you may say I can adopt another puppy anytime, but we decided not to adopt any dogs right now. I don't want to use other dogs to replace what's missing on us. He was irreplaceable. I am not yet ready to have another one as of this moment. Did you feel what I mean here? 

Memories gives as a free time travel to be with our loved ones. This can't be stolen by anyone! A kind of treasure that will last forever and can be share to your future child. For me, I treat my Dog  to be my best friend forever. I really really really miss him so much! Tears will always follow my eyes everytime I feel this way. 

Thanks for reading my blog,


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