Our Own Planted Vegetables at Home

Lot's of new stuff I've learned this season and one of them was to spend money wisely. In a way as much as possible I do recycling everything. We started to cooked using old trees branches and it was fun to collect them. Just a few months ago, we had a new old couple neighbor who was a loves to plant vegetables. They started to plant some vegetables like upo, kalabasa, talbos ng kamote, gabi, sitaw, at saging na saba. Just I saw them harvesting their own vegetables I was inspired why not I tried to plant some vegetables so we can have some available vegetables right at our mini garden.

The first vegetables that I planted was talbos ng kamote. I bought some of them from my neighbor and then get the leaves and the left stem was I used to plant them. As far as I know that this vegetables was one of the most easy to grow root crops, this produce the sweet potatoes. You can buy talbos ng kamote on wet markets usually around 5 pesos for every tie. After I bought those talbos, I started to dig some soil over here and start to plant talbos. It was a bit slow to see them grow 'cause the temperature here was super hot. I make assure that I was able to water them every morning and afternoon. Talbos ng Kamote has 2 colors, the red or green leaves, however eating this kind of vegetables was not my type. It has an after taste that I didn't like that much but this season of crisis on producing foods, I have no choice but to learn eating this. I'm lucky that my fiancè was a good cook! He just sautè the leaves in garlic, tossed and add some soy sauce and seasonings. I love how tasteful it is even though it doesn't have any meat added to it but tasted like it has a meat on it.

The second vegetables that I planted, Chinese Kang kong almost similar to Water Spinach. Basically the water spinach (kang kong) rooted beyond waters but the Chinese Kang kong can grow out of water. Planting this was like an ordinary plants to be grown on direct soil and needed to water them. I prefer Chinese Kang kong to grown since we are now on Summer season here in the Philippines and I don't have any pond at all. Some may say you can plant kang kong without in the water but the stem of kang kong suffers and grow so thin unlike growing and floating with water.

The 3rd vegetables on my garden was Chili. I have grown more than 10 seedling over here and waiting for them to bare chili's. I remember that I had seed of Red bell pepper and now, I wasn't sure which of them was the red bell pepper. I just needed to wait and to see which will bare a bell pepper :D

The leaves of the Chili's used as an added flavor for Tinolang Manok.  A Filipino dish with Chicken sautèd in garlic, onion and the most important flavoring is ginger. Add some water, salt and papaya, seasonings and green chili then the last part, the chili leaves... The aroma was so yummy and it matches the garlic and green chili. That's one of my favorite food ever since I was a kid.

I have newly harvested Patola. This vegetables can grow huge and weighs heavy depending how rich your soil is. Apparently, I have a not so rich soil but I am glad that after 2 months I can see a Patola and look getting bigger and heavier as day pass. Patola usually cooked with Canton. As always sautè with garlic, onion, soy sauce, salt and pepper then add on chicharon then add seasonings. This was the most basic kind of food I cook to patola. Just like cooking an ordinary pancit bihon you can add some meat shred or pork and tofu. I bet that it will taste so good and you will love it.

I also tried to plant tomatoes but sadly only one of them survive. Let me introduce my one and only little tomato. I hope that it can grow and bare fruits for me 'cause I love tomatoes too.

Vegetables in Urban Cities are way up high on prices compared to the province where it was the main producer of vegetables. Due to enhance community quarantine, the wave of people who buys them from the province dropped. As seen on the news lots of farmers in Baguio City throwing thousand of vegetables and didn't make it to sell. As an ordinary vegetable consumer like me, the prices of vegetables now increases way up high compared before. Though the National Government declares that the price freeze must be implemented during this pandemic season. As a way of saving money, I suggest that you too should start to plant your own vegetables at home. Many tutorials are available and we just needed to try those. Limited resources for food was a big challenge here but if we can have a reverse perspective and create ways to make our living today less consuming money and eating healthy foods at the same time.

For my next blog I will share some menu that I cook using my own grown vegetables.

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